Barbados is known for its beaches, its food, and the traditional and international music festivals done year-round. Because of Coronavirus, many events have been canceled or postponed but graciously beaches and delicious food are still there and available!
Now that Barbados has reopened their borders to allow travelers to arrive, citizens of the United States will have the opportunity of traveling to the island. Once there they can enjoy a calm day in the breezy beaches keeping their distance from fellow travelers, or trekking through nature, and discovering hidden caves.
To experience all the great activities Barbados has to offer, the visitors must apply for a Barbados travel authorization or ED card and have a certificate with their COVID-19 negative test results. These documents will be requested before departing their country of origin as a necessary regulation.
There are no current curfews or lockdown specifications for locals and visitors in Barbados, but it’s still recommended to keep a safe social distance from each other. Part of the best tips to stay COVID-free is to wash your hands whenever possible and needed. It is also requested that you wear a mask while leaving your accommodation, and take your temperature twice per day. All travelers should also make sure that their travel insurance covers COVID.
In this article, you will find details on how citizens of the United States can enter Barbados during Coronavirus. These details include the online application process of the Barbados ED card and tips on how iVisa can deliver the results faster.
Frequently Asked Questions FAQs
Why do I need a Barbados ED Card?
With Barbados reopening borders and to ensure the COVID-19 pandemic is kept under control, the local Government implemented a couple of requirements for the visitors. All incoming visitors, such as citizens of the United States, must depart their country with a valid Barbados ED card. As part of the application process, they will need to attach COVID-19 negative test results.
Without either of these two documents, you will not be able to board your flight and travel to Barbados. As part of the local requirements, travelers will also need to wear a mask at all times and preferably take their temperature twice a day to revise their health levels.
Do I need a COVID vaccine or vaccination certificate to enter Barbados?
COVID vaccination passports or certificates are no longer mandatory to enter Barbados. Since information may change quickly, we advise you to follow up on the latest Barbados travel updates and/or contact your local embassy.
Do I need a COVID-19 test result to enter Barbados?
- COVID testing requirements: There are no testing requirements.
Do I need to quarantine once I arrive in Barbados?
- Quarantine requirements: There are no quarantine requirements.
Do I need specific documents to apply for the Barbados ED form?
Applying for your Barbados ED card does not require many documents; they will only need you to attach your COVID-19 test results done in the last 72 hours. The questionnaire form will, however, request you to include information about:
- Your current contact details
- Details about any trip in the past 21 days
- Information about any contact you might have had with Coronavirus.
Is there a faster way to obtain the travel authorization to Barbados?
Although there is still no exact idea on the price of the Barbados ED card application, we can give you some details on the ways that iVisa can process your documents faster.
- Standard processing option (USD $53.99 - 24 hours): This is the least expensive processing option but may require more waiting time.
- Rush processing option (USD $71.99 - 4 hours): This is the middle alternative, paying a bit higher for a shorter time of wait.
- Super rush processing option (USD $106.99 - 30 minutes): This is the most expensive option but will deliver results the quickest.
How can citizens of the United States apply for a Barbados ED Card?
All citizens of the United States that wish to visit the Caribbean island of Barbados must apply for a Barbados ED card before departing their country of origin. This application process can be done through the official website, or with iVisa services. If done with iVisa, you can also select how fast you want your application to be processed and receive your results sooner.
These are the basic steps to getting your application form submitted:
- The first step is to fill in your questionnaire form for the ED form and type in your contact information. You must also specify the processing option you want to apply to your documents.
- The second step is to upload your PCR COVID-19 exam results to the application. If you’ve traveled in the past 21 days you must mention the destinations and any possibility of closeness with Coronavirus.
- The third step is to review the legal statement section in which you consent to being tested for COVID-19 once you arrive in Barbados, and you will then be in quarantine until told not to.
- The last step is to make online payment and submit your form.
What happens if the PCR COVID-19 results are positive?
To enter Barbados, all citizens of the United States must present their Barbados ED card and PCR COVID-19 test results to authorities before boarding. When arriving in Barbados, they will be asked to take another COVID-19 test and wait for the results.
If at any point in the process, the COVID-19 test results are positive, the passenger will be taken into isolation for 14 days. During this time, the traveler will have to wear an electronic bracelet through which they will be monitored.
How reliable is the iVisa website with my personal details?
It’s completely safe to make your Barbados ED card application with iVisa’s services! Not only will you get your documents ready fast by using iVisa’s advanced processes, but your data will be safely stored on our secure databases.
You can look at our reviews to ensure your decision.
How can I get more information about the Barbados ED card for the United States?
For more info about how citizens of the United States can enter Barbados during Coronavirus times, you can head over to the iVisa website. Another way to get more details is by contacting the company through their email at help@iVisa or via chat message to solve specific questions you might have.