Getting a PCR covid test assures that you don’t have the virus. If you can get tested regularly, you have the chance to keep yourself and your family safe. In Dubai, you can find plenty of alternatives to get tested. In certain cases, tests are even for free. Let us walk you through the most relevant features of PCR testing in Dubai, UAE.
In case you want to explore other countries and you’re currently located in Dubai, you will likely need a PCR test. Most destinations are requesting negative results from a PCR test. The good news is that you have some options at the Dubai airport for a fee. According to your destination, you may need to have a Health Declaration before your trip.
If you’re a visitor in Dubai, you will need to follow the UAE Government instructions to have a fun trip. There are different entry requirements according to your country of origin. Among the general rules is to take a PCR test within 72 hours before your trip. There is even a second test at the airport for certain nationalities. Don’t forget you will need a Health Declaration Form for the United Arab Emirates
We have all the information you need about PCR Testing in Dubai, UAE.
What are the COVID entry restrictions in the United Arab Emirates?
There are no COVID requirements to follow in this country. Testing, vaccination, and quarantine are no longer required.
How can I get a PCR test in Dubai, UAE?
The UAE Government has made available plenty of sites for everybody to get tested. Check the Government website for more information on any site close to you. It could be a drive-thru, health center, hospital, or private clinic. You could have the test for free if you’re under the vulnerable category. In other words, if you’re above 65 years old, are carrying a pregnancy, or have a chronic disease. Anybody else will need to pay for the test, and prices can vary according to the test center.
If you show any covid symptoms or have had any contact with anybody who is sick, you need to get a test. Check your options of PCR testing in Dubai, UAE.
PCR testing for travelers from the UAE
If you’re a UAE passport holder and want to explore destinations outside the country, you will need to get tested. Most countries are asking incoming visitors for negative results from a PCR test. As the pandemic is still present in most places, it’s relevant to comply with all these health requirements. The good news is that you can find plenty of test centers at the Dubai airport for different fees. Check with your airline the best alternatives as you can also have some benefits if you travel with Emirates.
Aside from your test results, you must have a health declaration before your trip. Health authorities request this document to keep track of your health condition once you enter the country.
Continue checking more details about PCR testing in Dubai, UAE.
PCR testing in Dubai, UAE for foreign visitors
If you want to explore Dubai, you must follow the health instructions to have an enjoyable trip. In case you come from South Africa, Nigeria, Brazil, or India, you will need to check what entry requirement you must fulfill. Also, there are new rules for travelers coming from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
For any other country, you will need to bring negative results from a PCR test that you have taken within 72 hours before your flight. You need to have a printed certificate in English or Arabic. You will need to get tested on arrival at the Dubai International Airport if you come from:
Afghanistan, Angola, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Philippines, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Somaliland, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Don’t forget you will need the Health Declaration Form for the United Arab Emirates, and you can have it with iVisa. Let us help you with the PCR testing in Dubai, UAE.